We encourage all our citizens to report rule breaking. However, we ask that you try to solve the issue among yourselves before reporting it to the Great Heathen Army.
These rules are subject to change and will be updated as seen fit.
- Do not conduct real money transactions (RMT) or trade items, accounts, services or game currency between other servers/games. This rule applies outside the game as well and will result in a permanent ban for all players involved.
- Do not attempt to sell or trade your account to another player.
- Do not talk about Real Money Trading.
- Do not joke about Real Money Trading.
- Do not engage in discussions about Real Money Trading.
- Do not promote discussions about Real Money Trading.
- Any of the actions above can be treated as an RMT case, in which case you will be permanently banned. If you have anything to report, reach out to the Great Heathen Army team either directly or through a Support Ticket at the Forums.
- Do not automate game-play. This includes and is not limited to using third-party tools and macro software, or placing a weight on your keyboard to press keys for you. Any use of auto-teleport scripts, auto-feeders, auto-pots, auto-farming scripts and similar is strictly prohibited.
- Do not impersonate the Great Heathen Army. This includes inappropriate use of homunculus and pet names.
- Do not make statements for the Great Heathen Army. You must never misinform players by pretending the Great Heathen Army said something.
- Do not advertise other servers. Talking about official servers is allowed, but actively promoting them is not.
- Do not exploit bugs. Report them immediately to the Great Heathen Army.
- Do not assist or tolerate rule breaking activities. Anybody caught not reporting a known rule-breaker will receive the same punishment as the offending player.
- Do not spread baseless accusations against the Great Heathen Army.
- Failure to comply to any other rules will result in the appropriate punishment, which may or may not include a permanent ban.
- Do not scam other players. Do not attempt to deceive and defraud any player e.g. by attempting to pass one item as another or using misleading shop titles. Any such action, including stealing items from others and keeping borrowed gears may result in a permanent ban.
- You are encouraged to report players who scam you in a player report.
- Account sharing is discouraged and you are fully responsible for the actions of whoever is playing on your account or device.
- Lending of items or zeny to other players is done at your own risk.
- In all cases, the disputed items and characters will be permanently lost and not returned.
- Do not grief other players. This applies to PvM, PvP and social interactions.
- Be respectful. This goes towards players, staff, the server, other people's opinions, etc. You are allowed to argue for yourself, but please stay respectful while doing so.
- Punishment and conflict resolution is to be kept private between the sanctioned player and the Great Heathen Army.
- Punishments are subject to the Great Heathen Army's discretion. Any form of questioning after the staff has come to a resolution from either the sanctioned or a third party can result in a punishment.
- Rules are not limited to those written here. Just because it is not specifically mentioned does not mean it is allowed. Please use common sense.
- Insulting, racism, sexism, discrimination, excessive swearing or any other offending comments can result in punishment. This applies to all chats, including #main, and shop names.
- Do not use inappropriate names for your character. The same applies for your pet name, homunculus name, party name, guild name/title and its emblem.
- Do not beg for items or zeny from players or Great Heathen Army. Asking for help is alright, but flat out asking for items or zeny is not.
- Do not impersonate other players or in other ways attempt to assume their identity.
- Do not harass other players. Harassment is defined as unwanted attention including repeated messaging, stalking, blackmail, and related behavior.
- You may block the player from messaging you by using /ex player.
- If the command above is of limited help and someone continues to exhibit untoward behavior of this nature, please file a player report.
- Do not trade or send friend requests on PvP and WoE maps. You can use @noask or /notrade to prevent being harassed like this.
- Do not spam any of the channels.
- Do not converse about politics, religion or explicit sexual topics on any of the channels.
- Do not discuss or engage in a conversation about other private servers in public.
- Use the appropriate channels:
- #lfg: If you are looking for a party, group or guild.
- #trade: If you are buying or selling items. Do not send fake messages and sell items you don't own.
- #support: If you require help. Joking or trolling is not allowed in #support.
- #main: For casual talk.
- Do not set absurd prices to reserve your vending spot.
- You are allowed to open a shop/chatroom anywhere, except for these restrictions:
- Do not open a chatroom for Buying/Selling/Trading in Eden or in the middle of Prontera.
- Do not block the visibility of a NPC or a portal. You will be kicked.
- Do not open a shop near the spawn points of towns. You will be kicked.